Hi, I'm James

Fullstack Web Developer

High level knowledge and experience in Web Development and producing quality work.

Contact Me

About Me

My short introduction

I'm James and I am a career shifter. I studied Civil Engineering before transitioning to Computer Programming and Web Development. I enjoy coding so much I can easily spend an entire day working on a project, solving coding challenges, and learning new programming concepts. I am also interested in modern physics and astronomy and my pastime is watching documentaries and sci-fi movies.


Technologies I have used


HTML5 logo CSS3 logo Javascript logo Sass logo Bootstrap logo Tailwind CSS logo Figma logo Adobe Illustrator logo


Ruby logo Ruby on Rails logo NodeJS logo ExpressJS logo Jest logo Python logo Django logo PostgreSql logo MySql logo MongoDB logo Heroku logo Git logo C# logo

Education and Work Experience

My personal journey

Freelance Tutor

2006 - Present

Civil Engineering

University of the Philippines - Diliman
2012 - 2015

Student Assistant

Yakal Res. Hall, UP Diliman
2014 - 2015

Associate Tutor

Academic Center for Excellence
2016 - 2017

Web Development

Avion School


My most recent works

Basic Survey Form

One of our earliest projects in Avion School; Features vanilla javascript animation, robust client-side input validation, and a design that goes with the current Avion School theme

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elon musk

Tribute Page

A tribute page I made featuring Elon Musk; Made a custom auto-scrolling image gallery, a static events timeline, animated cards, and back-to-top button

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Product Landing Page

A project about a chosen product's landing page (my chosen product is a service being offered by a hypothetical design firm)

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two guys playing board game


A simple 2-player tictactoe game; Cursor changes to either X or O depending whose turn it is; Enabled backtracking history of moves in a round; First player to get 5 points win;

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Pig Game

My version of the Pig Game with a 3D dice for rolling animation

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ace of spades

Poker Cards

An exercise on Javascript logic; From a deck of cards, user can shuffle, sort, deal cards, and classify a hand; Uses anime.js for higher level animations

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coins on a cup

Bytecash Bank App

An app designed for the use of a bank clerk managing multiple bank accounts; Uses browser's localstorage for mock database; Supports nightmode; Uses anime.js and chart.js

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fashion model

Montaigne-Élysées Online Boutique

My final frontend project for Avion School; Uses Paymongo API to process payments; Did mobile first design approach and I haven't finished the responsiveness yet so kindly enjoy it in mobile view for now

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todo list

Spaces Todo App

My own take on a todo list app; Implemented user sign up and login feature using Rails Devise gem; Added a draggable feature to tasks to easily update a task's status (Completed, In progress, To do); Using Rails ActiveStorage, users can also customize and upload their own avatar when updating their profile

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stock market

Stonks Stocks App

A stocks app using IEX Cloud API; Implemented an admin user which new broker accounts and manages other user accounts; Added a mailer that automatically sends welcome emails for new account registrations; Included a search for stocks and for admins to search for user accounts;

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happy mother and daughter

Kalakalph - A social media trading app

Added user account confirmation feature through email after sign up; Added private chat using ActiveJob and ActionCable; Users can upload images of their listings through ActiveStorage; Listings are sorted according to proximity using the Geocode gem

HTML logo Sass logo Bootstrap logo Javascript logo Ruby on Rails logo PostgreSql logo Heroku logo

Contact Me

Get in touch






Quezon City, Philippines